I'm seeing a disturbing trend where men are attacked for simply having dating preferences.

It's OK for men to have dating preferences for any of the following:

  • Amount of casual sex she had
  • N-count
  • Dating history of unwholesome men
  • How revealing her clothing is
  • Sex work

I see men getting attacked for simply stating their preference like "I'm uncomfortable dating a woman who has had too much casual sex or dresses very revealing". It wouldn't be OK for the man to call those women a slut for having those traits. But it's 100% OK for him to have and state his preference. It doesn't make him a misogynist or sexist.

Also, it's OK for a man to be hypocritical about his preferences because men and women experience dating differently. The symbolism, effects and experiences of those traits are entirely different for men and women.


The main argument is that the man isn't a misogynist, sexist or bad person for simply having the preferences. It's OK if people say that it's irrational to have the preferences. It's not OK for people to attack his character and to call him a bad person for having preferences.