Men have a much broader definition of an attractive women and have much more diversity in what’s attractive. Most women like generally the same area of things. No woman like fat guys, but women do like dad bods(bigger guys that are still muscular) to in shape Chris Hemsworth guys.

There’s a guy for every size and shape of woman. Ever seen 600lb Life? All those lovely ladies are married. No matter your body type, a man out there will find it sexy.

Hell even if you wanna be conventionally attractive, your body can be worked into that shape. For men to have a conventionally attractive body, we have to get on HGH to fix the sizes of our legs, hands, penises etc.

Facially, men are significantly less picky. Men don’t care about eye shape or jawline or all the dumb little shit that go into what makes men attractive. For men bone structure is incredibly important and it is immutable. It’s all genetic.

Most of the factors that go into making a man attractive are genetic. Height, facial structure, hair (balding or not), etc. Whereas women’s attractiveness is determined by things they put effort into. Body shape, hair(style since they typically don’t bald) make up, and effort into their appearance. An ugly man who tried to dress in high fashion is out of place, where an ugly woman who does so is strikingly beautiful and unique. Also 95% of the insecurities women have that they attributed to patriarchal beauty standards reinforced by other women with internalized misogyny.

Women are just in general more easy on the eyes.