Almost every guy who has been out on the dating scene has experienced this. You’re at a bar, the mutual attraction is there. You finally find a way to get next to each other and the fat troll friend starts dancing in between you or finds some way to sabotage your interaction. It’s extremely annoying and it happens all the time, and is a perfect example of women’s entitlement.

The common response to this by women is “sHe wAsN’t ReAlLy InTeReStEd HeR fRiEnD wAs HeLpInG hEr” 🥴 I’ve been in a room making out with a girl with the door closed and her friend came banging on the door. Deny reality all you want, men who have experienced it countless times know better.

Another example is when a girl is interested but you don’t reciprocate. You can almost always count on her exacting some form of revenge, usually in the form of attempting to shame you or embarass you socially. I have seen it more times than I can count. I’m not even talking about rejecting them, I’m just talking about not flirting back. They can’t handle it, they are so accustomed to men falling on their face to win their validation that when you don’t they don’t know what to do with themselves and they lash out. This is another prominent example of entitlement.

Do men do it too? Obviously, but you never hear about women’s subversive and passive aggressive reactions to not getting what they want. Women get a free pass for this spiteful, childish behavior and are often more manipulative in their execution.