The full sentence that inspired this post:

“Men communicate love and affection through sex, so unlike women we don’t separate the two” 

And the response by u/ascruelasrequired that describes the problem better than I can:

So casual sex is something that shouldn’t be appealing to men then right ? If men can’t separate sex from love then they shouldn’t want sex without the presence of love. If there is no love to express then what would be the point of sex, after all.

When it comes to casual sex, men are perfectly capable of separating sex from love so they don’t get affected from it, but suddenly when it comes to relationships men are incapable of doing that and when they ask for more sex it’s because they want to “communicate their love”...

Lmao men will say absolutely anything to maximize the amount of sex that they get out of any situation.

“You’re a woman! You wouldn’t know!”

Men have admitted that’s not true, both in my personal life and in media. There’s a clear pattern of men lying their way into sex. Isn’t that part of PUA for men to lie their way into a woman’s pants?

Also, women who believe “Men communicate love through sex” are the ones who get pump-and-dumped the most. Being a nice hole for men to put their dicks does not mean a man will give two shits about her.

Most importantly, if the only thing a couple likes about each other is sex, they're not in love. Those two are delusional fuckbuddies. Playing house with someone just because they make you cum is stupid. I highly doubt a relationship-minded man is going to feel love from a selfish cunt who couldn't care if he lives or dies just because she gives him good sex more than with a woman who puts in the time/effort in caring about his interests and comforting him when he's at a low point.

As for the claim that men are less monogamous:

Proof #1

Men are less likely to see a relationship as the ideal result of a hookup and less likely to want further contact with a one night stand. However, they were more likely to want a fuck buddy. Link

"In the results, many of the predicted gender differences held true. Thirty-eight percent of young men indicated that continued sexual involvement was the ideal outcome of their hookups in general, compared to only 16 percent of young women. This difference was even more striking when asked about the ideal outcome of their most recent hookup: 63 percent of men, but only 11 percent of women said they hoped that hookup would lead to continued sexual encounters only. More young men (19 percent) than young women (10 percent) also ideally wanted their hookups to lead to no further contact with the partner.

In contrast, a much higher proportion of women (64.5 percent) than men (35 percent) ideally wanted their hookups in general to lead to romantic involvement. Again, the gender difference was even more pronounced when they were asked about their most recent hookup: 60 percent of women versus 13 percent of men said a romantic relationship was the ideal outcome of that sexual encounter.

Together, these findings suggest that there are strong gender differences in what young adults want from their hookups. Those differences are in line with evolutionary and socialization-based theories, as well as many laypeople’s expectations that men generally just want sex, while women want to form a relationship. As such, they highlight how young women as a whole may be disadvantaged by the current culture surrounding hookups on college campuses. The many women who hope their hookups will evolve into a relationship are unlikely to have those hopes realized, especially since it is unlikely that the young man they hook up with has the same desires."

Proof #2

eTable5 shows men who have more than one sex partner is almost doubled that of woman with multiple partners.

Proof #3

Men in all cultures/areas (except two small islands) marry later than women. In the West, it's between an 0.8 to a 5 year difference.

Proof #4

In nearly every study/survey into adultery, men have always shown to cheat more than women OR at the same level as woman, but never less than woman. Even in my own experience, men cheat way more.

I would love proof that women lie more than men.

Proof #4.5

Men were more likely to cheat because a sexual opportunity presented itself and women were more likely to cheat because they felt unloved and problems in the relationship. So claiming "If you give men the sex they need, there'd be no cheating" is also a huge lie.

Proof #5

Simular to #4, what's the oldest profession? Prostitution. So not only would men fuck women they don't care about, they've been buying sex since the beginning of human history. People who think sex and love are the same thing would never do this.

Sidenote: When you look at porn aimed towards women, they're always a romantic subplot.

Tl:dr Men are less likely to be in LTRs with the women they're fucking, so no. They don't feel love through sex.