I have heard it many times "you (men) don't want an intelligent woman because you are just intimidated, you can't handle her" or "you (men) just want a less intelligent girl so you can control her" and sure enough, there are some men like that.

There are more then one issues with this. First, it's not true that men don't want intelligent women. We do want intelligent women, we do enjoy meaningful, intellectual conversations and genuine humor, none of which is possible without intelligence.

Second, this usually comes up when someone says, we generally do not prioritize intelligence over other traits usually associated with femininity (like compassion or aggreablness for instance) or even fitness. But this doesn't mean that we want to be with a 20 yo fitness model who's IQ is only slightly higher then a hen's so she wont poo around the porch.

Third, as far as i can tell, this and similar phrases are gaslighting techniques commonly used by some women who focused solely on their studies while neglected other traits that are generally more important to us, hence are being rejected by men or unable to get commitment.

No, we are not intimidated by an intelligent woman, we simply prioritize other traits before intelligence, and if those traits are neglected, it doesn't matter how intelligent the person is. There's no need to construct anything more then that behind the phenomenon.