It’s so difficult to sympathize with redpilled/blackpilled dudes for one reason: how on earth is it some shocking, devastating, groundbreaking revelation that women are attracted to attractive men?! How is this extraordinarily logical fact a huge enough deal to form a whole philosophy on? How could SO many of you not have known this?

I’m not even trying to be sassy here, I’m genuinely wholly curious. All princess movies star a handsome prince. The princesses literally call them “her handsome prince.” The phrase “tall, dark and handsome” has been around for DECADES to describe what women desire in a man. Disney movies and shows almost ALWAYS have an average girl crushing on the hot popular boy. Romance movies usually involve an average girl and a sexy boy (or two sexy people). “Teen heartthrobs” are named that because theyre hot enough to break girls hearts. 50 shades of fucking Grey and other extremely popular chick flicks feature a Hot. Ass. Guy.

How can one be blind to this? Obviously being female I’m biased but I just can’t even imagine a world where this isn’t a known fact.

EDIT: And not to mention the fact that men like attractive women! Do men really believe that only they like pretty things?