I got caught in a black hole of scandalous celebrity love live’s when I stumbled on the love lives of beloved 90’s actress Julia Roberts and famous 00’s actress Michelle Williams and boy howdy were their love lives messy. (Watch video links for the more detailed versions.)

Let’s start with Roberts. She got around ALOT. She’s seemingly cheated on every man she’s ever been with. Her current husband, a on-site photography director was married when they started an affair. She proceeded to publicly harass his poor wife until she had no choice but to admit her husband had fallen in love with Roberts and resigned to file for divorce. By all accounts they are still happily married even though she has a looonngg rap sheet of being a “hoe” and cheating on men.

Now, Williams. I believe her situation is a little different. Nonetheless, she is a serial cheater. After her baby daddy Heath Ledger died she’s seems to have gone on a downward spiral. She would get into relationships quickly, they would get real serious real fast then she would be seen kissing on another man a day later. She was only married to some guy in a band for 4 months before she cheated on him with the director of the broadway musical “Hamilton”. This director was married when they started the affair, as you could have guessed his wife was none too pleased and they got a divorce. Williams and the Hamilton director in question recently had a baby and they got married. Williams seems to really love this one so hopefully this is her last stop on the love train.

Although these two are some of the high profile examples, I’m simply trying to paint a picture of how much people can get away with and still find love. There are many celebrity women who had a “hoe phase”, were serial cheaters then proceeded to have long seemingly happy marriages with men they actually love and are attracted to.

And I can already hear the responses, “Well, these are celebrities. They don’t work by the same rules.” And to that I say, bullshit. I know so many “hoes” who PPD would call irredeemable eventually settle down with a respectable men. What PPD men claim is happening in real life, just isn’t happening.

I know the title of the post suggests that it’s only women but you can see this phenomenon with men too. As much as people want to see men who cheat and mistreat their partners suffer and never find love again, that just isn’t reality. Life is messy, weird and unfair. So to say with definitive certainty that “X” is never going to be a wife because she’s had sex with 30 men or “Y” is never going find a wife because he cheated on all his precious partners is a revenge fantasy at worst and wishful thinking at best.