I wrote this as a reply to someone earlier, I’m just going to copy and paste it because I can’t be bothered to reword a long comment. I just wanted to know what some people think because i got my own self thinking lol:
“Some polls I’ve seen say women on average take 9x more selfies than men, and are photographed 3.5x more. In that time, you learn angles and lightning and poses. There’s a journal called “Do age and gender differences exist in selfie-related behaviours?” Which also shows that women take, edit and post more selfies. They’re also more likely to police photos - check the background, location, lightning, posture etc. I take like 40 selfies a session, if I look back to my photos from years ago - they look bad. I wasn’t ugly then, or more attractive now - I just learnt how to take photos because I take so many. My ex? He would hold up his camera and the first or second photo was good enough.
Being good looking helps, but being photogenic is something different and women have the advantage right now. Girls I know in general just photograph better because they know how, whether they’re “average” or higher. If I Google average woman’s tinder profile vs average man’s, there is a clear difference in the quality of the profiles and the photos presented. Even on instagram, it’s the same thing.
I noticed this on my quick stint on tinder. How is an average man to compete with lots of posed/edited photos of women? Any stats you Google show 70-90% of (younger) women manipulate their online photos via facetune or other means, they don’t even have stats for men, because outside of influencer culture it seems men don’t edit their photos in the same way. It’s not even always obvious manipulation, but things that are seemingly unfiltered. The correct thing would be for manipulation of photos to stop, however realistically speaking that won’t happen. The only way for men to get equal is to do what women are doing as well, because right now it is an unequal playing field. Even if we say women have high standards for instance, the current profiles of men are not helping. More people would have a chance with upgraded profiles.
This can then lead to the question - do women get swiped much more because men are “less picky” - or are women just more picky with the photos they post of themselves?”
If men became as mastered at photos/selfies/editing/posing etc - would the average guy stand more of a chance? Or are we still thinking, no?
[–]PlayfulLawyer 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]baresquad 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]damster05 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]Hoopy223 -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link