I feel like the western society is in a decline due to the white knights and over consumption of the female market. You have all these women who now in the 21st century have the ability to capitalize on their assets and these pitiful men who fight for the last scraps. It’s like a perpetual, poorly oiled machine that’s going to crash and burn. Women (in general) are solely and biologically obsessed with having kids or at least the idea of having kids. Men are obsessed with gaining respect and a place in society. Society was built by men to facilitate women. Just like any human; if they’re purpose in life is challenged then their biological alarm goes ding ding. Women are like drug addicts in the sense that if they don’t find the best mate and have their IDEA of what a family should be they will do whatever it takes to find their fix. You see it all the time and families getting torn apart because for the most part women initiate divorces. Let’s face it though; humans are programmed to survive. In the 21st century women are much better at this then men.