Inspired by a fairly brief exchange in the Weekly Megathread (courtesy of u/angels-fan)

Given how the men of this sub feel about women describing a guy as “creepy,” how would you handle it if a woman you cared about came to you and said that a man was “creepy” and making her uncomfortable?

The girl can be anyone - girlfriend, wife, daughter, sister, mother, whatever - but she’s someone you genuinely care about. Not a random classmate

Would you tell her to trust her gut and avoid the guy?

Try to talk her out of trusting her instincts and play Captain Save A Creep?

How would you respond?

EDIT - to clarify something: I’m not saying she should treat him like crap or call him creepy to his face. Just what you would tell her if she confided in you about her feeling that he’s creepy and feels like neon “KEEP AWAY” signs are lighting up in her head