A lot of PPD threads go like this:

“men are struggling. This is a societal issue. We need to support men and change things for men. This means cultural/behavioral/whatever changes for women too and not just men.”

Response from PPD women: “we don’t owe you shit. We ain’t changing.”

So - ppd women - is there anything you would do to improve the lives of men on a societal level? Or are you all very apathetic generally to any man’s struggle and think everything is a man’s fault? I’m specifically talking about changes that are mostly aimed at women even if they could be used for everyone. I’m not asking for changes like - “yeah I’d euthanize all men under 6ft” where there’s clearly no benefit for any men under 6ft (which is the majority) and only serve to improve your dating odds but not men’s.

I have a feeling women of PPD are so apathetic to men’s suffering that they will not propose any meaningful changes that involve women having to change behaviors/cultural-norms. This might be why this sub isn’t the most productive.