I've rewritten this post about a good dozen or so times. I don't think I know how to say what I'm trying to say.

I beg you to assume good faith.

But if you can't, at least be entertaining in the teardown.

So, here goes.

It seems to me that the one thing I have in common with the main redpill subreddit is that I expect the worst, before it happens. The possibility of rejection is always there, in the corner of my mind, and despite everything Reddit has ever taught me, getting laid wasn't a solution. Sure, it told me I wasn't completely worthless, but when your self-worth is entirely wrapped up in someone else's orgasm, you're not much more than a whore...

It's not a good place to be. People don't pay prostitutes for the sex. They pay them because they can leave them behind, and still feel good about themselves.

And until recently, that's what kept happening. I can really understand why the redpill is cynical about happily ever after. I mean, I may never accept AWALT, I know it's a thought killer, but I only know it's a thoughtkiller because I've since met some good people who enjoyed trolling the hell out of my social anxiety disorder, and I'm sadomasochistic enough to understand where they're all coming from.

It's not like I ever stopped being a pessimist.

But this isn't a good substitute for learning how to make friends the old fashioned way. You can only keep a good game of cat and mouse going for so long.

And then you need to figure out how to deal with being caught.

Right now, I'm hanging out here, a place where I'm extremely unpopular with some people, instead of sensibly hanging out with my friends or my SO. I'm actually kind of avoiding them.


/r/PurplePillDebate - better than love and sex?

Not quite.

I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I was behaving like this, until some of you, out of nowhere, decided to be completely decent to me. (You know who you are.) I know that's probably your default mode to everyone, but I still don't know to respond to it. Not without sounding like an alien imitating a human being, looking through the human communication FAQ. ("Where does the happy response emoticon go? Does it look like flirting? At what point does my overthinking this turn creepy?")

I just don't know how to stop fighting. It's not a matter of just letting go of toxic mindsets, when you don't have the instincts to replace them. You can be good in any crisis, and completely fall apart at parties.

So, if I'm making any sense at all - any advice at all, would be very welcome? You can respond however you see fit, I don't care if any rules are broken in this thread...

I need honesty, not sympathy.