I'm not a man so when I list why online dating sucks for men I'm going off what I've heard from men:

  1. Men generally get few matches and little attention from women on dating apps compared to the matches and attention women get from men.
  2. While men are not immune to using filters, facetune, and like like, the practice of altering one's digital image is more prevalent among women. When a dating app user's photos are very edited, they likely don't reflect how the person looks IRL.
  3. There are bots.

Why dating apps suck for women:

  1. Most men on dating apps are just looking for casual sex.
  2. It's dangerous. Men are more likely to be a physical threat to women than the other way around. As a woman seeking a man on a dating app, if you don't know the man IRL then you have no idea who he is - only who he presents himself as.
  3. You're at risk of getting pregnant by a man who has no intention to stick around or who wouldn't help pay for an abortion.
  4. You're at an increased risk of getting an STD by nature of being female. Men can't be tested for HPV (women can be). This is an issue when it comes to OLD more so than IRL because one is less able to vet their sexual partner for STDs due to not having known them before seeing them on the app.
  5. Male condoms are more widely used than female condoms and a woman just has to trust that a man won't take it off during sex without her knowing.

Why dating apps suck for both men and women:

  1. The illusion of endless choices/choice paralysis.
  2. Many people use dating apps just to cure their boredom or for validation rather than to find someone.
  3. You can't get a sense of someone's physical presence - their mannerisms, body language, manner of speaking, tone of voice, ways of interacting with others, etc.
  4. The chances of finding someone are lower when you search in a pool of the general population vs. when you meet someone through involvement in an interest or hobby. While dating apps can cater to matching people with common interests, most dating apps do this poorly and aren't really designed for it.
  5. You're more likely to be seen as disposable.
  6. Your data is being mined by tech corporations.

A personal aside: I (24F) used to use dating apps but I quit them several months ago. I can't think of one good reason to go back.