I feel like this is something that Red Pill underestimates, by quite some way in fact. Everywhere on Red Pill, they talk about "frame" and "game" as being the things that attract women.

"Frame, game. Game, frame. Frame frame frame, game game game. Hold the frame and you can get any women. You can game any woman you want regardless of looks."

I've seen multiple threads on TRP saying that if you have "great game" you can attract any woman you want - even perfect 10's when you are a 2/10. And "frame" is the only thing you need to attract women - hold the frame and you can get any woman you desire.

It's nice in theory, but isn't true in reality. On a base biological level, looks come first. They always have done and always will do. Once a woman is attracted to your looks, only then will frame and game actually work.

Frame and game work best on women who are on the fence about you - she's sort of attracted to your looks, but you need a bit more to seal the deal with her. Frame and game also work for women who are already attracted to your looks. Frame and game DO NOT work for women who are not attracted to your looks.

The main signs of off-putting looks are - being too short, too skinny or fat, looking too feminine, too geeky, too friendly looking, ugly face, baby face. The reality is that no matter how great your game is, you have little to no chance of creating sexual tingles in a woman if you are too ugly for her. To argue otherwise is ignoring fundamental biological laws of attraction.

I think TRP says these things because they want to focus on stuff you CAN control. You can control your frame and game. To a large extent, you can't control your looks. TRP buries their head in the sand on the issue of looks, because they know their philosophy would completely crumble if they faced up to the importance of looks in sexual attraction.