I'm not saying all fat girls and short guys have this issue, but it's a giant sub-group. I've seen this pattern of them complaining that the opposite gender is shallow and has too many high standards for the average person to meet. Even when you have proof that's not the case, showing them pictures and surveys that prove otherwise.

I've come to the theory that perhaps the issue is entitlement. The fat girl CAN get a boyfriend, but she wants the guys the supermodel is getting. The short guy CAN get laid, but he wants the girls that the tall guy gets. The issue isn't the shallowness of society, it's the shallowness of the individual fat girl or short guy.

On sidenote, I dont complain about black women being considered the least attractive women in America. I work with what I have and try to improve my other qualities. I wish the short guys and fat girls would do this too.

If I have to use Red Pilled terminology:

Having a low SMV/RMV trait doesn't mean you have an overall SMV/RMV. You just shouldn't demand a high value lover if you're not high value yourself.