So, I am a decently good looking guy and I work out and am in college. So naturally, I get attention from girls fairly often whether it be through overt interest or subtle signs. I'm used to this, but only got recently truly used to it in the last year or so, to where I EXPECT that a girl will be interested and if she's not it's an uncommon thing.
That being said, there's this one chick who works in the Math department at my university with me, but we don't work physically together, she's in another office area. I know her from previous classes. I'm pretty sure she likes me based on our past interactions. But today, she was walking by (we haven't spoken in a few weeks) and double takes when walking by when she noticed me to say hi. So I said hi back of course. Then on her way back, she stopped walking by again and mentioned that she's never seen me with my (longish) hair down and she likes it a lot.
So in this situation, I responded with "thank you," and explained how I cut it too short, and we chatted about hair for a sec. Then after she mentioned one more time that she likes the way it looks and I thanked her again as she went back to work.
I'm not the type to overthink, but I really don't think I handled that appropriately. I wish I could think of something else to say, but I don't wanna push the conversation forward to attraction too much since we're in public at work, and for most girls, they don't want to show overt attraction in front of others. At the same time, she might feel proud talking to me so casually since I probably am the best looking guy in the building.
I'd just like some advice from someone who gets a lot of girls' attention also, and how they deal with that. Women you can comment as well, if you'd like.
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