the most frustrating thing about this normie advice is that they can keep moving the goalposts ad infinitum,

  1. "you're a basement dweller. Take a shower and touch some grass. "
  2. "you're actually neatly groomed and going out? You're missing some serious muscles then."
  3. "you're fit but no luck? You're need a passionate career making six figures then. "
  4. "you got the job? You still need to learn game bro... "

most men want to be loved and accepted for who they are, instead they're advised to become sociopaths doing performative masculinity stand-up gigs projecting the image of a successful, muscly, ambitious, confident hustle culture bro 24/7 in an attempt to get any affection at all. Women complain about "toxic masculinity" yet it is their own preferences in men that seem to be at least partially fueling these behaviors.