One reason I am Anti-Feminist is due to one pretty huge double standard.

Take the unattractive female who wants to get laid by hot guys. This woman is obese, and thinks she is entitled to high SMV men. What would feminism tell her? Feminism would tell her that she is allowed to have as high standards as she wants. She is a sexually liberated woman, and is entitled to the best of the best. Never lower your standards, the women shout in harmony. You are beautiful!

Now, take the unattractive man. He is skinny, loves video games and porn, isn't the most confident man ever. He wants the best of the best, the hottest girls available. High SMV women, the cheerleaders. What would feminism, and the blue pill tell him? Can you guess? Come on, just guess? LOWER your standards, buddy. Attractive people date attractive people. The Red Pill would tell him that he IS capable of attracting high SMV women, with some work. But feminism will tell you to get over it, however they will tell the women (women only) that she deserves the best.

What are your thoughts on this double standard? Specifically Blue Pill, can you see why the Red Pill exists when we as men, are given hypocritical standards like these?