I would even go as far as saying it’s a myth. Girls may lust after certain idyllic prototypes but rarely if ever do I see attractive women with equally attractive guys. In fact, more often than not I see women with average-ugly men.

You can say “beauty is subjective” women all have different tastes etc but at the end of the day there is a certain level of objectivity in all things aesthetic. You can see certain consistencies across all cultures and races in standards of beauty in both men and women, it’s all about proportions and symmetry. We are not that complex, we’re animals.

I am constantly baffled by the appearance of the men I see women with. I realize there are fewer attractive men than women, but there are still plenty of good looking guys out there. The demographic of the bars, restaurants, and most social settings I frequent is 18-40 middle class white people in the US. I see girls who are model level attractive all the way down to 7/10s, and almost all of them have some very plain, average looking dude on their arm. Many of them are even homely. The classic knee jerk response to this is “they must have money, resources, social standing, personality, ‘big dick energy’” etc but I have interacted with enough of them to know otherwise. They are usually pretty lame and unremarkable in almost every way. On top of all of that, these guys often mistreat them and cheat on them, and they go back to them over and over.

None of this would bother me if girls weren’t so insanely picky. They will drop a genuinely attractive guy over absolutely nothing at all, or lose interest over frivolous bullshit like his taste in a certain movie or texting too slow, it takes absolutely nothing at all. Then I see the guys they end up with. Then I come here and see the incessant whining about how girls only get with “Chads” and it’s just sort of strange to me. A lot of red pilled guys seem to buy into it to, but not me. I know better, I’m interested in facts and being honest about what I see.

So what is the explanation for this? The only logical explanation to me is that women want to have the upper hand, and most of the more attractive girls dated the hot, popular “Chad” type in high school and have it burned into their memory how bad of an experience that was. Additionally, I think despite all of the insistence on here about how hypergamous women are, ultimately their selection and who they end up with is far less deliberate than anyone is willing to admit.

I think familiarity and regular exposure are the number one factors in determining who women end up with. It’s not the hot dude they had a fleeting encounter with at the club, most women end up dating men within their social network, through mutual friends or guys they met at work/school. Most women want relationships and are not just out fucking every hot guy they see, so no they aren’t “fucking Chad on the side” either. It’s just what it is, and it’s frustrating to attractive guys seeing how little control we ultimately have in this game.