Note - anyone who AGREES with this PLEASE respond to the AUTOMOD (green autogenerated response headed with “Attention.”) Do NOT respond directly to me, or the mods will delete them.

Anytime a guy vents his understandable frustration with getting brushed off after the intense chemistry and strong vibes of the first encounter, women here rush to assure him that “she was just lying” 🥴

Most men who have experienced any level of success with women are acutely aware of the difference between heavy flirtation/mutual attraction and “just being friendly.” So it’s understandable that when a guy experiences the former only for it to fizzle into nothing the next day he gets frustrated and maybe even a little angry.

Women here somehow invariably seem to believe that the man somehow is always completely out of touch with reality and unable to read social cues, and overestimates the woman’s genuine level of interest in him.

Does this happen? Of course, on both sides. Plenty of men mistake friendliness or a smile for interest, but that is not what I’m describing. I have had instances where girls made their way across an entire bar to talk to me, I’ve kissed girls, I’ve had them try to leave the bar with me. I’ve even FUCKED girls who have ghosted me. Most of the latter were cases of women who were exhibiting the “block of shame” where either out of either feeling a sense of regret at the debauched behavior or simply a desire to cut all contact after getting the NSA dick they wanted, women will cut ties and ghost you.

The latter is less common and completely unrelated to the main topic of this post though, and that is that women can be immensely attracted to a dude, ticks all the boxes, chemistry is through the roof but if it is not escalated and solidified or even closed then and there, the magic of the moment is lost or forgotten by the next day or even that night.

The primary mechanism of action here is women’s mindset, which is born of their insane abundance of options and lack of desire for men relative to men’s interest in them. The disproportionate level of interest they get on a daily basis renders even the strongest spark another flash in the pan in a seemingly endless string of fleeting encounters and fruitless advances. Their already lukewarm desire for any sort of new connection with a man is stifled by this abundance, and so even when they finally do hit it off with one they actually find attractive it doesn’t take much for it to fall through the cracks and leave the man frustrated and confused.

PPD women’s instance that “sHe WaSn’T iNtO yOu TrUsT mE” is therefore a nonsense assumption in most cases and is more gaslighting and deflection.