In the main dating subreddits (trp and fds) there seems to be predominantly 3 types of users

  1. Misogynists/Misandrists For these people it’s not even about dating or finding a suitable partner anymore. They hate the opposite gender. They often take pleasure in pumping and dumping, going on free dates, blocking people and posting memes . They usually involve politics and studies in their arguments to try and prove who’s the better sex. Nuance is lost on them and they tend to generalize an entire race. They take fds/trp as gospel. They are usually easy to spot because they are always online complaining about the opposite gender.

  2. Victims These are men/women that have been abused and/or cheated on my previous partners despite doing what the felt what the right thing. They usually don’t understand why they keep getting taken advantage of and end up stumbling onto the red pill. Despite their history they tend to be a bit more neutral and understanding.

  3. Entitled/self inflicted victims These are the people who for the most part it’s obvious that they brought it upon themselves or have a warped perception of life. Think of the guy who gets upset that a girl friend zoned him despite never having the guts to ask her out or complains that women overlook him in favour of Chad when he himself has nothing to offer her or the woman who overlooks ‘decent’ men in favour of thugs and players then complains when she ends up a single mother or a p&d. They tend to be very bitter and overlap with group 1.