• 53% of U.S. adults between the ages of 25-54 are married
  • Another 9% are living together with a romantic partner but are as yet unmarried

Source for these statistics: https://ct.counseling.org/2021/12/growing-percentage-of-american-adults-are-living-single/

Even the infamous Washington Post article from a few years ago that showed a rise in young male sexlessness (seen here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/03/29/share-americans-not-having-sex-has-reached-record-high/) still showed that:

  • 72% of young men and 82% of young women have had sex in the past year

Sure, that's a little gap, and the study describes various reasons for its existence, none of which involve the words "hypergamy", "Chad" or "dating apps".

Somehow, a subsection of the internet, primarily The Red Pill, took that study, ignored all of its reasons for the small gap in young male and young female sex rates, and then decided to use a study showing 72% of young men ARE having sex to claim 80% of young men AREN'T having sex because all the women are riding "Chad"'s dick.

It doesn't even make sense. It has never made sense. In my view, this appears to be some sort of alternate reality coping mechanism by romantically failing or for some reason embittered men to explain away their problems either by giving them a sense of being shared by the majority for personal comfort or by giving them an external boogyman to directly blame.

What are your thoughts on this?