Lately we've noticed an uptick in the number of "kill yourself/have you considered suicide as a solution" type comments.

I want to make it absolutely clear that if you:

  1. Tell someone to kill themselves
  2. Tell someone to hurt themselves
  3. Start arguing that women, incels, or whoever should kill themselves
  4. Imply that suicide is a good option for someone
  5. Jokingly suggest someone should kill themselves
  6. Start talking about how you're suicidal, planning to commit suicide, or planning to self-harm.
  7. Make generally suicidal comments or posts.
  8. Imply one of the above messages without stating it explictly to get around this rule

You will be perma-banned immediately and you will not be able to appeal your ban.

There are too many people on this sub with mental/emotional issues for us to allow content like that.

For those struggling with such issues, /r/PurplePillDebate is not a good place to seek help or work through your issues. Seriously, it will probably just make things worse.

We do have a Mental Health Resources section in our wiki, and it has links to places on and off reddit that can help you.