All people who are unsuccessful with women over a long period of time seem to have identical problems. They are usually too arrogant and believe that whatever they're doing is the best way even when results dictate otherwise.

There are so many betas and omegas on this subreddit who complain about looks, about being short, about being a minority. When you point out what they should be doing to fix their dating problem, they simply ignore whatever you have to say and go back to their own little world. I see it again and again and find it incredibly sad that so many people are locked in self-perpetuating cycles like this.

On the flip side, you have people who are so humble they just can't see themselves with a hot woman. They don't have that sense of entitlement which is so important for long term success. They'll end up eventually dating a woman since they are humble enough to admit their shortcomings and work on ways to improve, but they'll forever be stuck spending massive amounts of effort for minimal results since deep down, they truly don't believe they deserve it.

And that's the key to success long term: To have that unbreakable sense of entitlement in everything you accomplish, but to also be humble enough to realize that if you aren't getting the results you want, your entire way of thinking may be wrong and you may need to dedicate months if not years to learn the right way. Arrogance + humble enough to admit shortcomings and work hard = results.

This is what I've always believed and it'd be interesting to see what kinds of discussion comes up.