A terper and a blooper are having a friendly conversation about how to handle a girlfriend that's getting fat and boring in bed. You don't need to read it, but for completeness' sake an archived version of the exchange blow by blow is here: https://archive.is/U86FZ

In the red corner you have me, representing your average TRPer, using dread game; if she isn't entertaining me, she's getting nexted. Doing this is very hard dread, level 10 on the famous 12 levels of dread scale and something that should hardly ever be necessary. But she's getting fat and giving starfish sex, and she's failed to respond to the subtler dread tried first; this is serious business.

In the blue corner we find /u/quantumtrollening, self-proclaimed feminist and prominent TBPer, who says this (bolding mine):

I wouldn't tell a partner "hey, you have to do these things because I say so". I'd say "hey, your looking and behaving in these ways is making me unhappy in the relationship; if you want me to be happy with these things, here's what you'd need to do". There's a big difference between the two of those; one is telling your woman what she has to do, while the other is informing your partner of your needs and leaving it up to them if they want to act to meet them or risk losing you.

I must admit, I see absolutely no difference in the two, except for the words used.

/u/quantumtrollening explains it further with

Can you perceive any difference between "making it clear you have standards" and "deliberately causing your partners distress in order to make them compliant"?

No. I can't perceive the difference. High level dread is just making it clear you have standards. A feminist man telling his girlfriend that either she she shapes up or she risks losing him, that's causing her distress and the goal is to get her to comply. And vice versa.

To me it looks like the exact same thing.

So what is your take on this? Is TRP actually not that bad once you strip off the lingo? Is Mr. QuantumTrollening in reality a wolf in sheep's clothing, an oppressive boyfriend posing as a feminist?