I see a lot of self-described "RP men" claim on here that TRP i all about "self-improvement". And this seems to have derailed the discussion as TRP's opponents start discussing self-improvement and masculinity rather than focusing on whether TRP is successful sexual-strategy.

So just putting this important post from TRP out there:


Some excerpts:

That self-help plattitude bullshit sounds like seddit had a baby with /r/fatacceptance. Except it wasn't a baby, it was just a really gassy turd, you were too busy stuffing your face with feel good bullshit to realize where it came from.


There is a drive that most men have, to varying degrees, that addicts us to sex, to the pursuit of sex and beautiful women. And for a lot of us, we recognize this and do what it takes to accomplish the goals of attaining these things. Even our drive for financial success stems from our desires for sex and our need to secure it.

Financial success, body building, working out, improving appearance, improving your personality, adopting a sense of humor, and learning to interface people with confidence ARE ALL FOR EXTERNAL VALIDATION. That is why we strive to better ourselves, not because there's some noble goal... as though on our death beds we'll get the score chart and say "good thing I did it all for me!"