Disclaimer: NAMALT/NAWALT. This discussion is about the average human male and the average human female.

I'm workshopping my thoughts around "sex is a need." My recent OP touched on it, but I think this one might hit closer to what I was getting at.

In my experience, more men than women have described sex as a need akin to breathing, secretion (sweating/generating saliva), hunger, etc. Plenty of women replied to me in that OP and said sex is a need for them, though even as they described it, it didn't sound as "base need" as to how men were describing it.

Let's use "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" as a proxy for this discussion.

From base to peak the hierarchy of the pyramid is as follows:

  1. Physiological needs
  2. Safety needs
  3. Love and social belonging needs
  4. Esteem needs
  5. Cognitive/Aesthetic/Self-actualizing needs

According to Maslow, "sex" is a need in the same way BREATHING, SECRETION, HUNGER, THIRST, etc are needed.

I will die if I do not breathe, sweat, drink, or eat. Sex does not exist on that plane of individual survival needs.

It makes sense that Maslow, a human male with a healthy male libido, would structure the hierarchy in that way, as it seems accurate enough to how men experience their sexuality -- for example, they compulsorily secrete semen as a function of their male hormonal cycle.

However, I am not convinced that where sex exists in the hierarchy makes sense for the average human female experience. I am not convinced that the average woman earnestly identifies with feeling as though sex is EQUAL to breathing/secretion/hunger/thirst. And from a purely "one thing is not like the other" logical stance, it doesn't compute.

Tl;dr: Men view sex as a base "need," women view it as a higher-level "need."

I think the above could be a useful rough framework to help both men and women practice some empathy for the other's experience with their respective sexuality. NAMALT NAWALT.

inb4 this is not me saying that women do not desire sex, do not crave sex, do not have a sexuality, do not feel sexually frustrated, do not want to orgasm, are "ace," etc. That strawman will meet deaf ears.