First off this question assumes that human beings have agency and are actually capable of improving certain aspects of their lives. This is not the place for a reductionist discussion about free will.

We all know that there are certain traits both Men and Woman find sexually attractive in each other that are simply stuck.

A Man can’t increase his height or penis size.They simply have to accept what you have been dealt. Likewise no amount of Make-up and dieting and is going to turn the “average” Woman into Margo Robbie. Similarly no amount of hard work in the gym or at the office is going to turn the “average” guy into Brad Pitt or Elon Musk.

However we all know that there are certain things that every human being with agency can do to drastically increase there attractiveness to the people they desire… yet so many don’t seem to bother even trying.

The obvious answer is that any kind of self improvement is incredibly hard. Nobody is denying this. It’s easy to flippantly just tell somebody to hit the gym or go on a diet or get a higher paid job. The reason anybody not being “average” that isn’t just rooted in clear cut biology is because they have an uncommon( I.E the opposite of average) level of discipline and will power.

The crux of this post then isn’t just stating “why are people so fucking lazy” it’s trying to determine what are the traits that make a person attractive to the opposite sex easiest to cultivate? They are all hard when it comes down to it but some are harder than others.

With this in mind which gender actually has it easier in terms of maximising there attractiveness to the opposite sex? Is it “easier” or more “difficult” for a Woman to maintain a healthy weight and cultivate a pleasant personality than it is for a guy to become fit and obtain a confident personality-and so on…