Driving today, the radio DJ was talking about “momma’s boys”. It had something to do with the show “the bachelor”, which I’ve never seen, or have any desire to see. The female host was talking about how disgusting of an attribute it was, and how it was an absolute deal breaker for her. Many women were calling in with other equally disgusting views of so called “mommas boys”.
I’m married, so this has very little to do with me other than curiosity, but it put me in a conundrum, particularly with my son. He is everything you would think of as a mommas boy. He is 4, and will be turning 5 in a few months. He can’t be away from mom for even an hour. She plays with him for every moment he is awake. They go to parks together, play games together, play with clay together, cook together, read together, and he even sleeps in the same bed with us at night. He doesn’t watch tv or movies, or ever play by himself, ALL time he spends is either with only her, or her and others. He loves her, and it’s really sweet. He is an extremely sweet boy, and I admire him for it. I wouldn’t think of discouraging that relationship if it weren’t for the disgust I heard from the women on the radio today. I fear my sweet boy will really struggle with relationships in the future, and will have to deal with lots of heartbreak due to the disgust he will instill in women for being a sweet mommas boy.
Here is the conundrum. I don’t want to just tell my son to man up and quit being a mommas boy. That seems cruel, and exactly like what I have been told is the essence of toxic masculinity, but it seems to be what women in society are pressuring me to do. Personally, the most painful experiences I have dealt with in life have been heartbreak, even more so than my mother’s cancer. That is a torment that is intense, and hellish. I personally feel like I have had to deal with it to a greater degree than my peers, and more than anything don’t want it for my son. Life is SIGNIFICANTLY better after you have found a partner you can trust, and no longer have to deal with the cruel dating scene.
So what should I do? Tell my four year old son to man up and quit being a mommas boy? Is that toxic? Why do women demand it? What makes being a mommas boy so disgusting?
[–]philomexaIF THE POISON WON'T TAKE YOU, MY DOGS WILL123 points124 points125 points (14 children) | Copy Link
[–]screamingIn2_theVoidJedi42 points43 points44 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Lovecraftian_DaddyHard-To-Swallow Pill21 points22 points23 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]tastyserenity18 points19 points20 points (8 children) | Copy Link
[–]SlowWingRed Pill Man0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] (6 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 10 points11 points12 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]thedeadpillJaded Misanthropic Data-Peddler5 points6 points7 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]gmanex1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]SPSTIHTFHSWAS4 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]vial_of_music1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Aaren_AugustineWants a Cookie13 points14 points15 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]maplehobo2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Cobra_x304 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]simenetaPurple Pill Woman55 points56 points57 points (21 children) | Copy Link
[–]Homebrand_Exercise3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 1 point2 points3 points (19 children) | Copy Link
[–]vial_of_music10 points11 points12 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Zonkey_Zeedonk16 points17 points18 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]simenetaPurple Pill Woman20 points21 points22 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]kigerting10 points11 points12 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]octocombopolyamorous9 points10 points11 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]maplehobo1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]BeautifulScarletRB0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Mollusc63 points4 points5 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]FrequentPangolin2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]rft24aspiring tradwife2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]SonicBackScratcherGreen Eyed Devil4 points5 points6 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]BringBackTheNews7 points8 points9 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]SonicBackScratcherGreen Eyed Devil2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ChibsFilipTelfordd1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Danger32140 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]SlowWingRed Pill Man0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Zonkey_Zeedonk15 points16 points17 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]goatismycopilotcatladycatladycatlady🐐🐐🐐🐐9 points10 points11 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 2 points3 points4 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]goatismycopilotcatladycatladycatlady🐐🐐🐐🐐7 points8 points9 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]s86ahmed0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ChibsFilipTelfordd1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]death_by_1000_catsrisky vagina lifestyle18 points19 points20 points (11 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 9 points10 points11 points (9 children) | Copy Link
[–]death_by_1000_catsrisky vagina lifestyle8 points9 points10 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]angels-fanpoppy-fan0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Barneysparky3 points4 points5 points (6 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 1 point2 points3 points (5 children) | Copy Link
[–]Barneysparky2 points3 points4 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 0 points1 point2 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]Barneysparky1 point2 points3 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]OmarNBradley5 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]NarniaFox19 points20 points21 points (13 children) | Copy Link
[–]LeJacquelopeMale thirst is as much our enemy as female hypergamy0 points1 point2 points (12 children) | Copy Link
[–]NarniaFox0 points1 point2 points (11 children) | Copy Link
[–]LeJacquelopeMale thirst is as much our enemy as female hypergamy0 points1 point2 points (10 children) | Copy Link
[–]NarniaFox0 points1 point2 points (9 children) | Copy Link
[–]LeJacquelopeMale thirst is as much our enemy as female hypergamy0 points1 point2 points (8 children) | Copy Link
[–]NarniaFox0 points1 point2 points (7 children) | Copy Link
[–]LeJacquelopeMale thirst is as much our enemy as female hypergamy0 points1 point2 points (6 children) | Copy Link
[–]NarniaFox1 point2 points3 points (5 children) | Copy Link
[–]LeJacquelopeMale thirst is as much our enemy as female hypergamy0 points1 point2 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]Sage_Planter6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]thelajestic4 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]vial_of_music5 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]catfishmasc5 points6 points7 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]death_by_1000_catsrisky vagina lifestyle1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]KapteeniJOne Punch Man2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Slyfer_Seven18 points19 points20 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]grigor472 points3 points4 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]grigor471 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]SherbertBaconBrazen2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]GridReXXAttraction Triggers Nazi2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Iluvalmonds83No Pill2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Fleischpeitsch2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Pontifex_Lucious-IIEducating Gentiles since 19891 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]LittyKitsuneBelladonna complex1 point2 points3 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]LittyKitsuneBelladonna complex1 point2 points3 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]LittyKitsuneBelladonna complex1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]nokidneys1 point2 points3 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 0 points1 point2 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]Barneysparky3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]nokidneys1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]meltedjuice1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]LaPrimaVeraWITCH1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]jdobrila1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Fleischpeitsch-1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]jackandjill22Red Pill misanthropic, contrarian1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ThrowawayCOVID9991 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Matt_Door1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]AnarchoNAPFuchsia Pill Woman1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Key-Artist-9384I like hobnobs1 point2 points3 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]Key-Artist-9384I like hobnobs1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Hoopy2231 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]stats1352 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]jax006MGTowing my boat to the lake1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]AutoModerator[M] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Mosaed210 points1 point2 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] (1 child) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]LooseIndication0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]prompargencis0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ChibsFilipTelfordd0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Convenient_Beaver0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]richlad0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Emberily1230 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]heiti90 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]SlowWingRed Pill Man0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]lionhart280[🍰] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]GreatDayBG0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ariesv123Purple Pill Woman0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Prestigious-Belt-3830 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Sid_InsidiousMGTOW VolCel Mall Santa0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Teflon08191-2 points-1 points0 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]mannyso-1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] -1 points0 points1 point (2 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Particleofsun[S] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Think-Tooth421Purple Pill Man-1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]amwfhunterRed Pill Man-1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link