This idea can also be expressed with the old saying, "This is why we can't have nice things!". It seems that in so many situations, the behavior of a small percentage of men, causes problems for both women, and men.

The recent decline of women on online dating apps, can be explained to a large extent, on the behavior of the men on those apps. Harassment, unsolicited dick picks, scammers, married men, plate spinners, inability to take even a polite rejection, etc.

Stories and screen prints of women's bad experiences on the apps abound on the net.....

When it comes to the relatively few women that are STILL on the apps, some men ruin it for themselves and other men, by swiping right on everything with a pulse and vagina (pulse is optional for some), and artificially inflating the options for most women. Because of this, women tend to match up with every guy they swipe right on, and lots of "legitimate" men don't even get into the batter's box. Meanwhile, women talk with a guy that seemed to be interested in them, but was only "swiping first and asking questions later", which results in more ghostings on both sides.

Of course, similar things happen in real life situations, but those incidents are less likely to be recorded and shared online. As a longtime Dallasite, I've seen many women catcalled as they cross intersections, walk out to their cars, etc. The whole "97%" statistic is debated and dissected by many, but the fact that it's even a topic for discussion, is an indication that harassment is wide spread enough, to alter women's perceptions and behaviors, and as any stock trader will tell you....perceptions are often more important than reality.

When a woman walks into a room with 10 guys, and gets harassed by one guy, she doesn't walk out of the room thinking, "9 out of 10 men respected my boundaries". Instead, she walks out thinking "Men are jerks!". Then, she gets on the phone, and tells 3 of her BFF's about her experience. The experience becomes communalized....before long, it's not just HER becomes THEIR experience.....something THEY have to watch out for, in the future.

Here's a thought a would interactions between men and women differ, if no woman EVER had to be worry about these things? How much more prevalent, would women be in various social places, both in real life venues, and online, if none of this, was EVER a concern....if it didn't even cross their minds?

Every time you approach a woman, every time you date one, you're picking up a tab....a tab for OTHER men, for the things OTHER men, have said and done. Doesn't that piss you off sometimes?