Many RPers seem to believe that it's a conspiracy to keep the "pussy cartel" in "high demand."

That is some silly conspiracy theory bullshit and many of you need to grow up.

For a bunch of men that extol "biotroofs," you guys are pretty off on a lot of things.

The answer is fairly simple.

However feel free to debate my hypothesis.

Women don't have the desire to approach.

EDIT I assumed this was implied or obvious above. Women don't have the same innate drive men have to approach. I'm not saying women don't ever approach. I'm saying all things remaining equal if you have a man and a woman walking down the street, the man will feel some innate need to or sexual desire to approach women. Whereas a woman will only be inspired by very few men. Why? Women's sex drive is more conditional. And plus if women had the same compulsive sex drive / need for sexual variety as men the world would go to shit. END EDIT

There it is.

We don't have testosterone rushing through our blood making us look at any and every two-legged creature who pasts by lustfully.

On top of that women are naturally selective.

So even if we were to approach, only a few will inspire her lust.

Meaning most dudes won't get approached by women anyway.

And I promise you the few men you notice getting approached or openly hit-on by women are "hot."

So stop with the "women don't approach."

We flirt with the men we want to flirt with. You're not him.