Idk if this has been asked before but I am curious.

Through many studies and researches, one can conclude that women are more happy being single than single men.

(Sources:,outside%20of%20their%20romantic%20relationships. ).

While when we look at single men, they either become depressed and bitter to the point of commiting suicide or cause serious harm to others as well

(Sources: ).

My thoughts are that:

  1. Most Women experience at least one romantic relationship in their lives while some men are unable to experience such things in their lives (which means women already know how it feels like to be loved by another individual while some men don't).
  2. Single women are actually encouraged and called strong and independant so they got support from society while single men (especially virgin men) are shamed and called names such as 'misogynist', 'creep', 'incel', 'weirdo'...etc. (My thoughts are that virgin shaming is what leads these men to become misogynists).
  3. Women are actually more emotionally mature and handle life better than men.
  4. Maybe men are depressed and commit suicide for other reasons (keep in mind that those suicide studies don't exclude men who are in a relationship).

What are your thoughts ? do you think my assumptions are wrong ??