This is one of the biggest reasons for the existence of this subreddit and red pill becoming a lot more main stream. Point blank: Women are not honest about what they are attracted to in a man.

Fortunately this place is a bit more lax, but on the many blue pill echo chambers on reddit any sort of thread involving a man asking for advice in dating is met with pedantic replies like "you need to go to therapy!", not pertinent questions and useful insight on what women are attracted to and what tangible steps a man can take to improve that aspect of his life. Women unironically list "hygiene" as what separates men who are successful with women from those who aren't so often that "just take a shower bro" has become a literal meme. Like c'mon...are women trying to exclusively date men at magic the gathering tournaments? Let's run down the list:

  1. Physical appearance: Women vastly underplay the importance of looks. I liken looks in the context of dating to GPA/test scores when applying to a really competitive school. You need competitive scores to get serious consideration, and therefore for the other aspects of your application like your extracurriculars, letters of rec, research ect... to matter significantly. Sometimes another aspect (very high status, top tier "game") can make up for appearance slightly, much like things that separate your application from others can make up for a small difference in gpa/test scores. Looks are extremely important to get your foot in the door. You don't get a chance to match with a girl on dating apps, get her attention irl, charm her on a date, show her your sense of humor ect... in the first place if she's not attracted to you. Depending on the source you look at, women swipe left on ~85-90% of guys on OLD apps. Even bearing in mind the gender disparity, that's pretty staggering, particularly considering how common it is to see single mothers and/or obese women who have a lot less options for an LTR. This is why it's so important to lift weights, groom and dress well. You can't change your facial aesthetics, but have you ever seen your face at ~12% body fat? With a barber that knows what they're doing? When it comes to height, a lot of women perpetuate the myth that most women just want someone taller. The average woman in the US is ~5'4, meaning 5'5+ so we obviously know that is complete and utter non-sense. oHere's a study illustrating the additional income a man needs to make to be perceived as attractive as taller men. Additionally, here's thread with a link to a bumble study someone posted here on ppd a little while ago, from when height filter were a free bumble feature. According to the chart, being less than 6ft meant nearly ~70% excluded you by default based on height alone. A lot of women always talk about how dating apps "aren't realistic" and data from them should be ignored, but in truth I think that they simply dislike the insight that dating apps provide about women's sexual strategies and behavioral trends. At this point, online dating is way too prevalent to dismiss. And if OLD isn't realistic...then why is it so taboo to discuss these topics? Why not release more recent studies? Why not see how accurate the 80/20 rule is in 2022?

  2. Personality: The importance of personality is extremely overestimated. Just to be clear, I am not talking about emotional intelligence and game when I refer to personality. And also, looks can make someone's personality more attractive, a phenomenon described by: the halo effect. Also on the topic of personality, I find it strange that practically every woman admits they know jerks who have women lining up for them, while simultaneously not having the foresight to put two and two together to realize that if a guy is struggling with women, odds are that it's not because of his personality. Physical appearance, emotional intelligence, status, and income are the factors that dictate how successful a man is with women, not personality.

  3. Income and Status: Seldom will a woman date a guy who isn't making at least as much as her. And I'd say at this point most women want a guy want a guy at least cracking 6 figures. In fairness I'd say a decent percentage of women are honest about their income requirement/expectation, but in general I think it's something people underrate the importance of in dating, to find a long-term partner in particular.

  4. Being emotionally vulnerable: There is no single quicker way for a woman to lose attraction and respect for you than being "vulnerable" with her. And it should go without saying, but I'm not talking about trauma dumping on some girl you just met a week ago. I'm talking about expressing actual vulnerabilities in a relationship. Without fail every time this topic comes up there are a million anecdotes from men who found this out the hard way. Men opening up is a topic a lot of people virtue signal about, but if you are a guy whether you like it or not not you will always be expected to be stoic and take the struggles life throws at you in stride.

So in essence, it really shouldn't be surprising that so many men identify with the ideas expressed by redpill creators, how Andrew Tate managed to become the single most popular person in the world very briefly, or why so many men seemed to resonate with Kevin Samuels. Women and society in general wont be honest about what they are attracted to, which results in a lot of very confused men wondering why the ideas peddled to them by modern day society are quite frankly...a bunch of illogical non-sense that have no basis in reality. This is why redpill works. It's rooted in reality and emphasizes getting off your ass to improve your value in the aspects that really matter, not "go to therapy" because you need to love yourself or useless empty platitudes like "take a shower". Whereas society tells women you deserve prince charming unconditionally, red pill tells men you're overweight, have no purpose, and have no game with women, so go get off your ass and work on those things.

And honestly people should have high standards if they are desirable and place value on self improvement. The weird aspects are the unwillingness to be honest about those preferences, the gaslighting of men into thinking things that have nothing to do with dating success are holding them back, and how viscously angry women get when anybody points these things out. It's bizarre. Any time a man says anything that doesn't adhere to the blue pill non-sense society perpetuates, without fail, he's termed an ince1, and anytime a woman does so she's termed a pickme who has "internalized misogyny".

Reminds me of a video game meme from a while back that goes, everyone who's worse than me is a noob, and everyone who's better than me has no life.