One of the favorite topics non Red Pillers like to question here is the Slut/Stud dichotomy, or why female promiscuity is viewed negatively, while male promiscuity is viewed positively. At this point we all know the usual arguments, but I wanted to bring up one which I haven't seen broached here. Namely, that woman's attraction to a given man is more 'social' than vice versa.

I've noticed this effect time and time again when working nightclubs. Average looking men who know the staff will get blown out approaching a pretty girl, go to the bar, hug/chat/flirt with the bartender(s), and later actually be approached by the same girl that rejected them earlier. Another example of this is the 'girlfriend effect', where women always seem more interested in a man when he's attached. The perceived attraction/desire of other women affects the attraction a woman feels towards a man. The opposite doesn't hold true. Most men I know (myself included) think a woman is attractive or not regardless of what other men think.


EDIT: /u/nicethingyoucanthave mentioned to me that this is a scientifically observable effect known as Mate Choice Copying.

(link is paywalled, but the abstract is available)