Try it yourself by opening up a dating app and running an experiment (yes, I'm aware apps aren't real life, but for now, it's better than nothing). Men are much more polite in starting a conversation than women. There are some weirdos when it comes to men but that's it. Women on the other hand can be very cold, uncaring, and standoffish online to men.

In real life, the results are the same. Many polite conversational approaches by men are still seen as rude even when they're not. Men on the other hand are much more forgiving to women even if they aggressively approach them. This is possibly explained by women feeling far more innate, natural disgust at men than the other way around.

Disgust dampens female sexual desire more than even fear: And "women feel disgust at sexual contact with unattractive or diseased men independently of their sexual arousal" In fact, men are actually more polite to women than women are to other women to the point women experience more incivility and rude behavior from other women than men: (EDIT: 500+ comments and noone addressed this lol)

Yet what kinds of societal gender stereotypes exist when it comes to rude behavior? Men are seen as rude, brash, and impolite. Women are seen as polite, nice, and warm. And they certainly can be. And I would argue that they are...for men they're attracted to or know. But when it comes to the average male stranger, most women could care less.

In all honesty, most male strangers practically don't exist in many women's minds and this is simply the truth. I don't think it's a coincidence that it's very easy for people to start a "kill all men" trend without much social blowback, for the same reasons outlined earlier: most women are innately unempathetic to most men they don't know.