I am using the opportunity of The Purge to address my favorite post, linked here.

Archive link if that isn't working

People on Reddit really enjoying reading just a headline, experiencing emotions from the headline without reading the body (or article), then "sharing their opinion". I expect many of you to do this anyway despite that explanation.

My favorite weak-ass counterpoints:

  • Haha, yeah, women MASTURBATE so how do you explain that???

Masturbation is not sex. What drives women to masturbate is not relevant when we're discussing what makes them fuck men. Next question.

  • Lesbians exist!!!

We are discussing heterosexual women. Also Lesbian Bed Death lmao.

  • Wow, looks like this means women have never initiated sex with OP, OWNED!

This is a prototypical snark strawman reaction to "female sexuality is responsive".

Sex is good, and women enjoy it. WHY they choose to pursue it is sexy male attention. Men will do a lot for heterosexual women if they will fuck him. Women's requirements for sex are significantly more complex (over time) but for acute attraction, it's the attention.

Good faith efforts to debate this or CMV will be responded to in comments. Purge week means you can call me names too!