Modern women are realizing the tole birth takes on women and how serious of a decision it is. Women bare the majority of responsibility for kids so it makes sense that women dont want to have kids as much anymore. I think this overall has an impact on women not caring as much about getting into relationships in their fertile years as they dont care as much about kids. There has been more honesty from mothers about their regrets having kids and how extremely hard being a mother is. I think men fail to realize just how many downsides there are for women in regards to having kids.

  1. Pregnancy destroys your body and lowers your partners attraction to you. Effects of pregnancy can be: saggy boobs, stretch marks, loose skin, weight gain, tears to your vagina, hair loss, abdominal separation, saggy stomach, c section scar. Even when a girl has kids when shes young and thin her belly skin will forever be changed, unless she won in genetics. Most of these things are irreparable and like men like to point out on this sub men are attracted to a "youthful" appearance. And 1/10 men cheat on there partners when shes pregnant. I think this statistic highlights the fact that men are not grateful of a women's sacrifice to carry their child.
  2. Women are expected to be the main caregiver. Society just expects women to be the primary caregiver, eg when the father looks after the kids and pays them attention hes a "great Dad" and people praise him but when a mom does it that's just what's expected. Women aren't just allowed to walk away when things get tough like men are. And men can say that its because men are not given custody as much as women, however, the truth is men dont even try to get custody. According to the majority of child custody cases are not decided by the courts. In 51% of the cases, both parents agreed that mom be the custodial parent. In 29% of the cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement. Only 11% of custody cases were decided during mediation with as few as 5% being decided after court order custody evaluations. In cases where both parents decided, without involvement from a mediator or the court 83% of the time the mother ended up with custody because the father chose to give her custody. It can be very isolating for women having to be a full time caregiver.
  3. Pregnancy and birth is extremely painful and has a VERY long list of side effects. Common side effects are:
  • Cramps and body aches
  • Tender and swollen breasts
  • Nausea throughout the day (also known as morning sickness)
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Food aversions or cravings
  • Faintness and dizziness
  • The constant urge to urinate, a lot
  • Fatigue and muscle soreness from carrying an ever-growing child inside of you
  • Irritability due to difficulty sleeping and getting comfortable with an expanding abdomen
  • Gas and bloating
  • Bleeding gums
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Swollen extremities
  • Mood swings due to changing hormones
  • Constipation and other upset stomach
  • Heartburn and backache
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Perineal discomfort, pain or numbness
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Stretch marks
  • Fatigue
  • Body aches and pains
  • Night sweats
  • Sore or cracked nipples if you are breastfeeding
  • Leaking breasts
  1. Having a kid is usually a huge burden on a women's career. Since women are expected to be the primary caregiver they may end up with huge gaps in their CV and not excel and move up the ladder like they would've if they hadn't had kids. Even if a women gets back to work as soon as she can she will often then be stressed to the max so wont be able to work to her potential and day care is very expensive so there isn't much point financially.

  2. Women are judged no matter what they do so thus they should do what they want. You are judged for being a single mother severely- we see this on this sub. You are criticized as being selfish if you are childfree. You are judged for having too many kids because you cant give them all reasonable attention. You are judged for having only one child as it will be lonely.

Thus I think women are waking up to the fact that having a kid isn't always a wonderful experience and generally mother are overworked, underappreciated and stressed. I feel like the last generation was not informed about the true experience of what being a mother entailed. So women are not aiming to settle down and have a family as much now days because there is so many negatives. Without that goal there is no urgency to get into a serious relationship and they can instead do whatever they want and reap the financial benefits of being childfree. there is lots of data on the declining birthrate so that justifies my point.