The article:

I am a woman, a mother, a lifelong feminist and against the draft for women.

Exemption from the military draft for women is an essential part of our traditional societal compact: American women risk their health and very lives in pregnancy and childbirth to produce new American citizens. American men, in times of war, risk their health and lives to defend those women and children. Women who volunteer for military service are going commendably above and beyond the call of duty.

About 13 percent of American adults over all are veterans, including 24 percent of men and 2 percent of women. Compare that with the 80 percent of American women who become mothers.

We women already make a disproportionate contribution to society. That women uniquely risk death and long-term health problems to bear society’s children is not a cultural construct or a mutable gender role: It is a biological fact.

The ancient Greek playwright Euripides got it right when he had his heroine Medea say: “Men say that we live a life free from danger at home while they fight with the spear. How wrong they are! I would rather stand three times with a shield in battle than give birth once.”

We American women have given enough. Please do not take away America’s only tangible recognition of our sacrifice.


New York


What are your thoughts? Should women be exempted from service because of this sacrifice? And if so does that imply that women can be forced to make this sacrifice for the same reasons we force men to fight without their consent?

Is she a no-true feminist?


Lot's of discussion possibilities here.