I made a video on the topic.


But for those who do not know what mgtow is you havn't been paying attention.

Mgtow means men going their own way, meaning they have voluntarily left the sexual market place. Theres no one reason for this but if we were to surmise it in as few words as possible it means that the laws are not in the favor of men.

Men get divorce raped while women initiate 80% of the divorces. Women win most of the time in child custody cases, even if they are unfit. If you get blamed for rape, you're probably fucked for lack of a better term.

with all this do we blame men for wanting to leave? I don't.

Personally I disagree with the movement, not every woman is going to do said things and often times you can vet them properly to minimise your chances of becoming a victim without just exiting yourself from the marketplace. Allot of us simply do not have this toolset. But that is a topic for another time.

However, we should be proactive in changing the laws. And even more proactive in teaching men how to vet women for marriage material.

It is also important to note that MGTOW is a great place in a temporary setting.

Spend a few years working on yourself, build yourself up to be a man that cannot be divorce raped.