You should buy this book:

The Biblical Masculinity Blueprint: A Christian Man’s Guide to Attraction, Relationships, and Marriage in a Messed-up World

While I haven't read this entire book - I can give it a strong endorsement after skimming and reading maybe 10-20%. I'm not here to say this is the greatest book ever written, but it is one of the few that does some important things:

  • introduces "Red Pill" topics
  • doesn't use any red pill language or slang
  • talks about a positive vision of masculinity

I used to frequent this forum and I don't anymore - that's a topic for a different time (or never). However, I wanted to encourage everyone to buy and read this book AND write more (books). Almost everyone can agree there is a problem with either masculinity or our western culture that is starting to show itself (out of wedlock births are sky high, divorce rates, men are losing their idea of what it means to be masculine, so is the church). What is the solution? We need good thinkers to come and show a path forward.

The problem with all this Red Pill nonsense - is it's very cloudy. You hear things like, "The Red Pill is true" - as if the words red pill somehow embody a whole set of ideas - when in reality, the words "red pill" mean different things to different men. If you asked an athiest Chad (even Chad has different meanings to different people, lol) - if you asked him what Red Pill means, he might say "the truth about women" but also mean that you should never marry, sleep with as many women as possible, hack women's behavior to get sex out of them on the first date. Other authors like Rollo will call the Red Pill a praxeology, but again it's a praxeology about sexual sucess - in fact, he studies it out of evolutionary biology to figure out what works with mating. Essentially the red pill the becomes a sexual strategy and for men, Rollo would say, that means unlimitted sexual options with unlimitted partners.

Well, I think most men agree that God has a bigger vision of masculinity than anything embodied in some red pill ideology. Which again, an orthodox Jew may see Red Pill and think of more traditional male/female roles - regardless, spinning plates, SMV, RMV, amused mastery, push pull, etc. All this stuff is helpful for seduction and success in sex but I would say it's far from a grand vision of masculinity.

Which brings us to my original thesis and call - the more men we have paiting positive visions of masculinity while articulating an understanding of the flaws of having men act and behave like females, the better off we are. Yes, putting women on a pedestal is not a truly masculine trait. Buying into their frame is not masculine by nature - but the entire blue pill world can't understand this.

This is why we need men writing about these ideas in a high level / organized / succinct way so that the ideas can get out. There was a time that I would have thought we need to paint out all the negativities of the current system, while this has it's place, the writing truly should be focused on a positive vision of masculinity and what / how that plays out in the real world - with all the emphasis on sexual strategy to be less emphasized / i.e. the traditional red pill slang / lingo, etc. The above book is good because it avoids all of the Red Pill terminology which is hazy and honestly grounded in very secular ideas (unlimitted sexual opportunities with unlimitted mates). I agree you can learn and practice what makes a man attractive BUT it's also true that positive masculinity is attractive to women, so building a vision of masculinity is the true focus and avoiding men behaving like women is the true north - all the while creating systems that bring this reality into fruition.

Good luck - and good work by DeepStrength. I was happy to see that someone followed through and also didn't get lost into the Dungeons and Dragons world of Red Pill terminology RMV,SMV,HB9,Field Report, Negs, DHV, high status male lol