I have created a Christian Antinatalism Reddit page. (https://www.reddit.com/r/ChristianAntinatalism/). Here is the group's descriptor: "Antinatalism (AN) is the philosophical position that assigns a negative value to birth. This subreddit is a community for Antinatalists, Christian and non-Christian alike, to come together to express and explore the philosophy of Antinatalism as it relates to Christianity". Please share this link with anyone you think would be interested in interacting with this community.
[–]rocknrollchuckMod | 51M | Married 13 yrs[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]emperorchiao 2 points3 points4 points (5 children) | Copy Link
[–]bsv103 -2 points-1 points0 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]TheEfilist[S] -1 points0 points1 point (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]emperorchiao 0 points1 point2 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]TheEfilist[S] -1 points0 points1 point (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]emperorchiao 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link