Introduction: Reclaiming Monk Mode

Most of your problems can be solved by going monk mode.

The monk mode most people do is riddled with sloth, whining, idiocy, an unwillingness to sacrifice, and a heart without God.

That “monk mode” is going to get you nowhere. If it gets you anywhere, it's be nothing compared to where you could be.

Enough weakness. Make the most of your monk mode. A good monk mode can change your life.

I hope to inspire change in you.

Credibility: Who am I to talk about this?

I’m a former PUA turned Eastern Orthodox Christian. I had the lifestyle most infidels want and still have a body most people crave. I’m 5’10 and 170 lbs with a body fat percentage of 10% after a massive bulk where I weighed 205 pounds and could barely breathe.

I take my shirt off in public and see nods from men and glances from women.

I'm discerning monasticism. Living with monks, and figuring out if being a monk is for me.

All the monasteries I've visited taught me something about being a literal monk. I'm going to share those lessons with you. You needn't join a monastery. Take the lessons I learned and apply them to your life.

First, you need to know what monk mode is.


Monk mode is focused prolonged solitude with the intent of reaching your goals.

The word focused can't be overstated. Focus implies something to be concentrated on. You should be on focused a goal or a set of goals you want to reach during your time in seclusion.

I can't tell you what your goals are. You know what you want.

However, I can tell you why solitude is important.

Life in the world is busy, chaotic, and time-consuming. We can’t avoid it. However, we have more time than we think but it’s wasted.

Less time chasing that “pious” woman and more time doing crunches.

Eating out with friends less to watch your diet and get shredded.

Refusing to scroll through social media so you can get your business started.

Get out of the DMs of women craving attention. More time loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind.

You get the point. Monk mode in the modern world is time management and making yourself brighter so your light shines among men. There are five things required for a fruitful monk mode. The first and most important is...


At 4:30 AM I woke up to the sound of Church bells. In a sleep-deprived daze, I staggered to the communal bathroom. After splashing cold water on my face and changing my clothes, I shuffled to the Church with the rest of the pilgrims. The monks were already in the Nave. Service started at 5:00 AM. We didn’t leave Church until well past 8:00 AM. After service, we ate a quick breakfast and went to work. We didn’t stop working until 4:30 PM. After work, we had dinner and a short evening service before we went to our rooms.

The monks repeat this every single day without fail and without complaint. I assume most of them feel sluggish and slothful every now and then. They just don’t succumb to it.

Do the same with your goals. Don’t want to be fat? Get used to eating less and being hungry. Don’t break your diet no matter how much you want to. Want cash? Get used to working more. The monks don’t complain. You shouldn’t either.

Be stoic. Complaining is useless.


My ax began to feel heavy. The wood wouldn’t split no matter how many times I hit it. Each time I raised the ax above my head the field began to spin. My stomach howled and my tongue was sandpaper.

Right as I felt myself slipping my brother-in-Christ asked a monk if we could eat something. The monk gleefully agreed and helped us cook our meal. We ate hardy and went right back to work.*

“I saw it in your eyes, brother. You were going to pass out.”

There’s a fine line between persistence and stupidity. If you don’t know where your limits are you’re going to break. Anybody in the military can attest to this; there’s always one person that doesn’t hydrate or fuel themselves properly out of ego and ends up passing out in rank.

If you push yourself too quickly you’re going to fail. If your goal is to get stronger you’re not going to jump from 135 to 225 if you can’t even bench 140. Know your limits so you can break them.

This doesn’t mean be lazy. Be ready to work hard for a long time.

Work and patience; two things this generation hates.

Thick Skin

I leaned on my shovel and looked up. The sky was pink and the clouds were a vibrant orange. Contemplating the beauty of God’s creation, I heard a hoarse and booming voice speaking Russian. I turned my head and watched an elder monk scolding a younger monk. The younger monk nodded, bowed, and went his way without a trace of negativity on his face. I admired his stoicism; I’d probably snap at them or be upset.

And so would you.

Your friends and family may have a crab in a bucket mentality. Change scares people. Are you able to take their passive-aggressiveness? Their chastisement? Their unnecessary criticism? If you aren’t, you’re going to hold yourself back.


The novice’s room was empty. Nothing but white walls and carpet. He goes outside to kiss his mother and father goodbye. His mother’s tears soak his black robe. His friend is waiting in the car. The ride to the monastery is silent Nothing but sand and cacti. Hours go by. They arrive at a place filled with people dressed in long black robes and downcast faces. The monk gets out. “Thank you for everything. Keep an eye on my family. Pray for me.”

Monks are told to say goodbye to their friends and family, sell/give away all their possessions, and take vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and stability.

No money, no honey, do what you're told, and get ready to spend the rest of your life at a monastery.

Most of us don’t have that discipline nor calling, but there’s something to be learned here; you have to give something up to become who you want to be. Big or small. During your monk mode you will lose something.

Every monk mode I’ve done required something to be sacrificed for the sake of time. I’ve lost friends, girlfriends, and time with family.

Doesn't matter. Give glory to God for everything. What you lose and what you gain.

Love of God

“Why did I give everything up,” the monk smiled brightly, “I love God!”

Everything you do should be for the glory of God and God should have a huge place in your monk mode. Every single day should have time dedicated to studying Scripture or doing something pleasing to Him.

We exist for Him.

We should glorify Him no matter what we’re doing.

Your relationship with God is personal. I can’t tell you how to make what you’re doing for Him. Only you know that.

Everything is for God.

Epiloge: Back to the world.

I prayed the car in front of me would move. The nose from the car horn was deafening. I began daydreaming about the monastery. The silence, the flowers, the monks, the church. I missed it dearly.

"Why'd I have to go back to the world? There's nothing here for me anymore..."

I looked to my left and saw a car full of blonde girls drinking Starbucks and singing. To my right, a hardened Mexican man with a mustache in a beat-up pick-up truck.

The city noise was deafening. The air was smoggy. My heart was broken.

Adjusting to the world was hard, but the changes to my lifestyle that occurred during my pilgrimages will remain with me forever and as I continue to discern. Living with hardcore monks really exposes your weaknesses.

I began waking up early attempting to correct my morning sloth and mimicking the discipline of the monks I spend time with.

I cleaned my diet up. Monks eat clean. I watch what I eat and focus on what makes my body feel good. This is part of the reason why I lost so much weight and my physique is good.

I hope my stories were entertaining and my advice helps you with your own monk mode. Remember, these five things are essential for a Christian monk mode; discipline, self-awareness, thick skin, sacrifice, and love of God.

See you out there.