I've been following red pill and married rep pill since 2017, and like many others was immediately engaged. It was the first time I saw information detailed out on how to be a strong husband and leader in the home. However, there were a few large red flags when I compared red pill information with my Bible. Since that time I've been slowly formulating a version of rep pill that fits within the Biblical perspective. I haven't seen a really condensed and thorough explanation of rep pill principles with contrast to the Bible anywhere in the forum so I hope this may help some guys. Not exhaustive but extensive. My bio is at the bottom for context.

  • Dread: All levels of dread should be weighed against the Biblical principle of faithfulness. The first 6 levels of dread focus on you as a man, growing your social life, improving your appearance and seducing your wife. Any sexual contact with women outside of your marriage is strictly forbidden. That includes kino, texting, emails, pics, lunch dates, or any other kind of sexual flirtation with intentions of making your wife jealous or making you feel more manly. Work your game on your wife. Have an interesting personality and create financial success. Be pastor to your family and you will receive the respect you desire. Lastly, think about what your kids would think if they found out dad was messing around on mom. That thought should be enough for any real man to stay faithful. For the single guys, dating around is perfectly ok as long as you don't engage in sexual stuff and don't go behind a committed girlfriend's back with texts or tinder. Either commit or don't commit, but don't straddle the fence like an amateur.
  • Lifting: Your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell, it better be in good shape. Sad that we don't hear sermons from the pulpit about out of shape, fat and generally unhealthy Christians. Would Jesus allow himself to become obese? Would he allow himself to binge drink? Binge eat? Have a lack of self control? While we don't know if Jesus would have lifted weights the premise is true that we are given this body to worship God and being fit, muscular, athletic and healthy is a great way to worship our creator. Your daily food and exercise choices are either worshipping God or worshipping self. Is food, tv, beer, sports, or video games a god to you?
  • Crap Tests: Women testing a man is a bad habit but can be eradicated like any bad habit. I believe it comes mostly from two places: watching their friends and watching their mother. If a woman surrounds herself with other women who regularly harass and disrespect their husbands/boyfriends it starts to seep into her subconscious. If a daughter sees her mother acting in a similar manner, it relates to her in crystal clear language that a woman/wife has the authority and responsibility to act this way to get what she wants. And while we as men can't stop our significant others from hanging around women who treat their men disrespectfully and we can't go into the past to stop her mother from acting similarly, we can set a standard that a good wife respects her husband by following his leadership. First you need to be someone worthy to be followed. Second do not let these tests become a barrier in your relationship. While I agree with the red pill you cannot allow these tests, the manner in which you handle them makes all the difference. My approach has always been to simply tell my wife (in a loving but firm tone) that she's not being respectful. If she continues to nag, harass or disrespect, I tell her this is unacceptable behavior and she needs to calm down and we'll talk later. Then I walk away and let her think about how she acted. Her own brain does the work for me. The premise is that you are stopping a pattern by slowly being firm and rational about her adult emotional tantrums. The less you speak the better you will be. And like all leadership, consistency is key. You are the leader of the family, you are responsible for you wife and she is to be submissive to you like you are to be submissive to Christ. Remember however you want a life partner not a slave so don't go rambo. Don't initiate confrontation but do not allow disrespect from her or anyone else. Here's a wonderful summary of what a christian wife looks like: Mark Driscoll Respectful Wife
  • Finances: Every dollar you make is God's money. If you're spending God's money on excessive consumer goods and do not make wise financial investments you are being irresponsible with God's money. If you are in debt you've been irresponsible with God's money. If you live outside your means and do not have a strong financial plan, you are playing games with God's money. Don't play games with God's money.
  • Sex: Within marriage you can have sex as much as you want and do anything you want sexually with your wife as long as she consents and other people aren't involved (no porn or threesomes). Toys, clothes, positions, let that mind go nuts as long as it's focused on your wife. If you are unsatisfied in the bedroom like most Christian guys, it's time to up your SMV, start the dread, and start creating some sexual tension. If frequency increases, start working on quality. If she's resisting spicing up the bedroom have a serious sex talk one time and tell her your expectations. Again, be a leader. If she consistently tries to dodge you going forward, it leaves 2 choices: Continue to up your SMV for long term incremental gains or be satisfied with the occasional handy. Christian women often were taught sex is gross, dirty, not pleasurable and only for making babies. It's difficult to undo decades of psychological sexual repression. Make some effort and initiate. As Christians, we cannot divorce other than infidelity so take that option off the table and figure it out. Single guys: date alot of girls, swiftly screen out the ones you wouldn't marry, find one good girl then close the deal. Peter Pan syndrome is a curse on guys telling them they shouldn't get married, to date as long as possible and sleep with as many women as they can. It's all a lie. Date several women, find a good one and close the deal. Be a leader, treat her well, expect her to be an excellent wife and quit screwing around. Dating 500 flaky women on tinder isn't going to make you any happier than dating 5 quality girls, finding the best the closing the deal. Be attractive enough to get the quality girls. And don't have pre-marital sex. Talk about how you want to have sex with her and expect once you get married to have sex often and enthusiastically. If talking about sex makes her feel weird and awkward, you might want to release her back in the pond.

Hope this has been useful for the Christian guys getting into red pill. I'd love to see more dialogue on the christian red pill sub.

Bio: Late thirties, married a decade, bunch of kids. Workout everyday, play sports, started and sold several companies. heavy into investing. Wife is a HB9 and comes from a family where the mom wears the pants. Always been an alpha leader and wife learned early that her happiest life is trusting my lead. We've been best friends most of our lives. I almost went to seminary in my 20's to become a pastor like my grandfather but decided God wanted me to start and sell companies instead so now I'm pastor dad.