A brief background about me: Ok, so like many of you, I was raised a Christian (albeit in a lukewarm Christian family), but I ended up losing my faith as a kid and became an agnostic theist due to being pulled into secular science. Then 5 years ago, I was brought back into the fold and now involved with my local Catholic Church. I'm a fairly attractive man, workout often and am in decent shape. I'm now in my late 20s living abroad in Eastern Europe as an American Expat (more on that later).

Context about the post: So yesterday, I came across this subreddit and was scrolling around whilst on the train and I came across these two interesting posts from awhile back:

[For Singles] Getting Laid Like a Christian (part 2)

Theory: Why The Average Christian Woman Is Unattractive

Not gonna lie here, both posts, especially the 2nd one was extremely black pilling.. enough to demoralize me from dating to begin with because it makes me think I'll have to settle, which I REALLY don't want to do. Part of the reason why I went over to Eastern Europe was to avoid that fate via Geomaxxing and because I thought that dating in America and Western Europe overall was a lost cause. Then again, I haven't been in the actual dating scene for a good 4-5 years due to focusing on my studies and self-improvement.

So, whilst I don't want to go for women who are 9-10 on the looks scale, I aim for the ones who are 7-8/10 i.e. above average. Now since I'm in Eastern Europe, the secular dating scene is a bit different than the Western dating scene (but its changing towards the American/Western direction). In this case, the women aren't as picky with their men in the looks department as Western/American women are, instead they still prioritize masculinity, confidence and good virtues more.

Of course physical attraction isn't the be-all-end-all, however it is a significant factor when it comes to initial attraction. It's also why I'm still on my looksmaxxing journey to becoming the best version of me possible physically speaking. What I am looking for is a woman who ranks on the scale I'm looking for, but is also a Traditional Catholic. One who is devoted to her faith and won't allow the secular world to get the best of her.

With that being said, responding the first two posts and asking the general question: Are there still attractive Christian women out there who aren't egotistical via being corrupted by their beauty and secular world, but instead remain faithful/devout and true to Christ? If so, where would a man like me be able to find them?