Edit: Sorry for the confusion. I did not inted this as a question, but wanted to help guys that wrote in the post: "Born-again Women with high body counts" that said they struggle with this.

What if your partner had more sexual experience than you in their youth. Now they are saved and follow Christ and you want to marry them or are married to them. What if you can't get rid of the fealing of jealousy, you are insecure about it or think that you missed out.

I fought with that for a long time, because others had fun, while I didnt. My wife didnt have sex like me but kissed far more people than I. In my mind she had all the fun and now we are married and I have the burden of her fun, because i feel bad because of her past actions.

I realised, I was lying to myself. I was not mad that she kissed more guys. I was mad that I was to chicken to kiss more girls. So blaming her for her actions only served to shield myself.

The thing I realised even later when i was honest to myself was, that I would have even liked to have Sex with other people and how i regret missing out on all that fun i could have had. But i think thats a worldy view. If i would believe Gods word in this situation, then the situation would be different. I did not miss out on all that fun, I was saved by God from experiencing all that bad stuff that would have happend if I was more sexually immoral.

If you struggle with this thoughts i described in the beginning, it can help to ask yourself:Do I blame my partner for past actions to shield myself from regret of my own actions or inaction?Do I believe missing out on Sexual experience is a curse or a blessing?