There's plenty of women bashing that goes on in this sub. Based on my experience, the most commonly repeated problems with women are because of weak men. If there is a paramount takeaway from the RP movement, it's that men are responsible for the outcomes in their lives. I personally would add that they are also responsible for their communities, but that is not an RP belief. This message never goes over well, but it bears reminding regardless of how many angry incels call me Blue Pill.

Women who are sluts are that way because men refuse to hold them to a higher standard and will simply wrap their weasel to avoid getting whatever STD-of-the-month these women carry. As a single guy you can choose to wait for a chaste woman or you can sleep with an easy Tinder date. If the standard for christian men was to marry a virgin, the number of virgin women would increase or at least the existing ones would transition into matrimony. But sadly the standard for the average 20-something christian man is to have sex with women and likewise except the same in return. This sends a clear signal to christian women that it's ok to practice hypergamy in their 20's, repent, and marry a beta bux in their 30's to get the life they want. In addition, the standard for beauty is such that an average-looking virgin woman in her 30's will never get as much attention as a hot slut in her 20's. Again restated, the standard is such that chastity is set below physical attractiveness. Right now you can probably name 2 girls who are virgins who you would never date and 2 hot girls you would date if given the opportunity.

Women who are emotionally unstable still get dates, have male friends (orbiters) and enjoy plenty of time and attention from thirsty guys. This reinforces their erratic behavior. Who's at fault here?

Wives withhold sex from their husbands as a power play. They know husbands need sex, and for females without many available weapons, a dead-bedroom is often their armament of choice. Husbands, however, can choose to focus on their mission, remain OI, be the oak, practice stoicism and even enjoy life throughout the temper-tantrums of their marriage. But most often they choose to cave to their wives, provide choreplay, give up leadership and accept a beta mindset, all for that glorious, occasional drip of vagina. If that doesn't work they embrace the 2nd easiest route - spinning plates or divorce.

I can go on with more examples but let's look for the common ground in all of these scenarios. It's easy to see - The men are lazy. Instead of taking ownership of their circumstances, men often blame women. I see it every week in TRP, MRP and RPC - "Women are sluts" "There's no such thing as a faithful woman" "Women are liars" "My wife isnt submissive" "Girls spend all their time on social media" Notice all of those statements focus on the women and not the men.

Allow me to rant for a moment. Monday I found out my 4 kids will be having school from home indefinitely because a group of men on the school board decided to cave to a group of female teachers who thought Covid was too dangerous for teachers, therefore disrupting our entire community and leaving parents struggling to teach at home or find babysitters so they can work. Lazy men called off school instead of finding a way to have school in a safe way. Cubicles, air-purifiers, mandatory hourly disinfection, facemasks, isolation chambers for teachers, etc. None of these options crossed their minds. They took the easy path. Sit at home and pass the responsibility on to parents.

Our gym today was closed because the man who runs the facility thought there might be ice on the roads. It was 40 degrees and dry this morning. I stood outside the gym with a dozen other members when a security guard told us the news. Another lazy man who didnt open up the gym nor take the time to alert his members.

I see the same pattern everywhere I look - politics, religion, entrepreneurship, college, sports, churches, families. In the classroom, the boardroom, the living room and the bedroom, men are sickeningly lazy. I was recently interviewed on a podcast and the host asked what was the most frustrating aspect of entrepreneurship. My answer was the laziness of the people we depend on to succeed. Up and down the supply chain, I see men who cannot get their jobs done effectively, consequently damaging my business, my customers, my employees and my family. A large client canceled all new product for 2021 due to covid. I asked, "Why?" They replied, "Because it's too much effort to add new products during this trying time," (even if it violates our contract). My response? Immediately approach retailers in foreign countries to replace the lost income. There's no time to argue the stupidity of their statement nor their violation of a contract.

Women aren't the problem. Covid isn't the problem. Trump isnt the problem. BLM or antifa isnt the problem. Socialism isn't the problem. Atheists aren't the problem.

The problem is lazy individual men who cannot take responsibility for their lives.

I admit I stopped reading the OYS posts because I saw too much of the same lazy nonsense week after week. Alphaman2020 posts every week about struggling to get off porn and his inability to meet a HB9 virgin who loves Jesus. Or user john316 who posts about his at-home martial arts workouts, can't get his wife to have sex with him because she's "not submissive", and reads the Bible as consistently as he pays his income taxes.

Get your stuff together boys. Take ownership of your life. And please stop slut-shaming women because you are not even close to the kind of man that deserves a hot, chaste girl. Calling me blue pill or downvoting my posts won't help your dumpster-fire of a life. Unplug from the 9 hours a day you spend on your phone making snarky comments on twitter or browsing memes on Reddit and go become a man.