Stats:16M, 5'9, 12-13% bf, 68kg. OHP/Bench/Deadlift-56kg/92kg/110kg

Reading: The rational male, NMMG, TRP sidebar, Majority of RPC sidebar

Finances: I do dog-sitting for my uncle and he pays well, also looking into a part-time job offer i received so i can work during vacation. Going into 5th form(12th grade i think?) when school resumes, studies going great.

Spiritual: Pray twice a day, go to church every sunday, and read a decent amount about theology and philosophy. Feel like I'm making progress and becoming closer to god, but still have much to learn

Hey guys, lurking here for a while now. This cute girl (14F/15F) at my church has been giving me a lot of IOI's recently (making eye contact often, feeling my arm, laughing a lot when i'm around). Talked to my friend about it and apparently she had been doing this for a while now, but he thought i was ignoring her because i wasnt interested, when really i was just nervous to speak to her, and i guess in that nervousness i missed any signs she may have given me.

I haven't talked to her too much, but she seems like a very kind and mature girl, never misses church, comes from a good family, is well-spoken, etc. and is one of the very few children around my age group who attends church regularly. I've never had a girlfriend before, and i sometimes feel like i would have missed out a bit if i never got a gf in my teenage years and never had that experience. On the other hand I understand most relationships between teenagers don't last very long anyway, so i might sort of be wasting my time.

My biggest concern is that a girl could distract me from my schoolwork, which is most important to me right now. There is also the fact that in my country we only get our learners permit at 17 which means i wouldnt even be able to carry her out, and i find it embarrassing to have your mom dropping you on a date with a girl (You can hardly call it a girlfriend if you arent going out on dates with her alone). Combine that with the fact that i honestly just dont know many girls (go to an all-boys school, play male-dominated sports and hobbies) and i might likely develop oneitis, i feel like its a bad idea to start dating so young and i should spend more time developing myself before i start thinking about something like that. Making this post because most likely i'm not meeting any girls until i leave school so this is the only opportunity i might get in a while, and i'm not going to be holding out and hoping that one girl is still single by the time i'm 18. All advice is appreciated.