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Introduction: Nice Guys Finish Last

"Nice Guys Finish Last". There exist an insurmountable truth in this statement, yet for many men and women of the world, this is a reality that can never be accepted. Many of them spent time justifying and defending for having such quality, arguing for why niceness and agreeableness are must-have traits because today, being nice is a standard and an expectation among all men. The women celebrate it, the men buy into it, the girl claims to love it, the boys are taught to learn it and so come the birth of generations of men who grow up striving for this ideal state of being a man since they truly believe that this is what the women want and what the world requires.

The Origin, The Evolution and The End of The Nice Guy

Adopting this skewed belief, the nice guys of the world self-proclaimed to be the best man, the best lover and the most wonderful boyfriend that every woman should get with. In his mind, he thinks comfort means attraction, and caring equals appreciation. He feels special listening to the words of the women, because, unlike all these other guys, all the jerks, that treat her wrongs, that hurt her, that left her in tears, he would do her no wrongs, for everything he does for her is to perfection, all the compliments, all the sweet talks, all the flowers and poetry, all the text messages and phone calls, all to please her and make her happy. Yet just like a script, in every relationship, the women left him in the end

Confused and upset, he cursed into the universe "If only everybody could be like me, the world would have been a better place". He continues to curses every day as he goes through life failing and falling, until he begins to question the why, why the world is such a cruel and unfair place, why the reality does not adhere to what he believes, and why he is never rewarded for his good deeds and kindness. After all, he is just following what has been taught and reinforced by the people and the society on what it means to be a good and desirable man.

Being a nice guy, he can remain in this bubble of wonderment for as long as he is ignorant of the truth, yet when confrontations overwhelm denials, the bubble pops and soon what left of a nice guy is replaced with hatred, anger and bitterness for he realizes that much of the belief sets and honourable values that he holds are only based off fantasy and Disney fairy tales. For him, it's all lie and deception, a tough pill to swallow, so he can either dwell into it and makes the suffering more insufferable or he can deal with it, and make it sufferable by lessening the suffering. Whichever one he chooses will determine the direction for the rest of his life, towards becoming a mad man, or towards becoming a man of greatness.

The Curse of Being A Nice Guy

In truth, the nice guys of the world are the victims of the social conditioning mindset plagued within modern society today. To be an agreeable man is to set yourself up for failures. To be a pleaser is to live a life of a slave. To all the nice guys of the world, it is time to wake up! Wake the fuck up from the delusions that you have entrapped yourself within and wake up into the real world where you can see the real you in the eyes of women and of others. What you see is not a saint, nor an angel, nor the best man that any woman should get with. What you see is a body of a human that has forgotten the beings and the internal desires that makes him a masculine man.

Your perfection is your dullness. Your affection is your weakness. Your neediness is a turnoff. You come off as desperate and creepy because your doings and behaviours often come with an expectation to be validated, accepted and loved. Instead of striving for a life you want to live, you live your life to serve and please others in hopes of getting something back in return. This is the transactional mindset that has infected and weakens so many young guys today. It shows that you lack the confidence to get what you want as a man. It shows that you are not worthy of getting what you want as a man. Ultimately, it shows that you are afraid of your own self, of your own desire, your own sexuality as a masculine man.

Conclusion: How to Move Forward as a Nice Guy

So drink this fountain of truth and revelate yourself in the sexual form that you were born to be. What flow within you will be the desire to conquer the world and champion the women. Embrace your masculinity, control it, practice it and direct it to build your kingdoms and achieve your goals and dreams. Understand who you are and accept the roles that nature has granted to you will be the first step to true masculinity and in becoming the master of your own life.

As Jordan Peterson has once said, "turn into a monster, but a civilized one". Being a man ravelled in masculine energy, you must learn to rearrange your focus to the things that matter most to you, that is your purpose and your missions at every step of life. Love, care and be kind to others but it has to come from a point of practicality, genuineness and outcome independence because your time, attention and energy are not to be wasted on the things and the people that are not worthy of them. Get in touch with your masculinity and let the world know who you are and how you are going your way, then soon the rest of the puzzles of life will fall in place, and you will find yourself living more happy and fulfilling than ever.