I recently got to the chapter in Fascinating Womanhood about letting men do manly stuff around the house as a means to show your femininity. My husband and I have been home together for a month, and as I I was doing my usual upstairs cleaning, I thought of an opportunity. I am 36 weeks pregnant and lifting the litter box to sweep under it is difficult - not completely impossible but uncomfortable (don't worry, my husband does change the litter box which is a no no for pregnant women but I've never thought to ask him to set it outside the bathroom so I can sweep under it). Then the lightbulb went off that this is one of those sweet, perfect moments to ask my manly man husband to help me with something. In fact, when he came upstairs to move it for me he said, "hello! Your strong manly husband is here!" Definitely be thinking of ways when you go about housework that you can capitlize on your husband's manly qualities. Lifting something heavy, reaching for something high, something that needs to be fixed (I find men who are reluctant to do projects are willing to start small and you can shower them with adoration - he may find it's so rewarding that he starts finding other projects. My husband is now refinishing a table we've needed to have refinished for YEARS). Always follow up with adoration and doting. If you have a husband who tends to be thoughtless or wrapped up in his own universe, now is the PERFECT time to work on "training" him to set his adoring gaze on you. It will make both of you very happy!