RIP my Twenties


Jokes aside, I am looking forward to it a little. I've learned A LOT in my 20s (like how bangs DO NOT SUIT ME, even though I tried over and over), and am looking forward to using that knowledge to be a better me!

I have a lot to be thankful for: This September marks 10 years that my husband and I have been a couple, we have a wonderful little baby boy, a great apartment in a nice area, and I have his loving family for support(mine is another story, LOL)

My biggest regret in my 20s was letting myself go and gaining a bunch of weight, but I'm already more than halfway to my weight loss goal (down 60lbs from December), so I am thankful I was finally able to do something about it. I can't wait to be thinner - that paired with my new skincare regimen, my beautiful, long hair, and my makeup knowledge will just make me feel so much better! And I'll be so much more proud to walk alongside my husband, because I want him to have a beautiful wife that takes care of herself(he tells me I'm beautiful all the time, but he's got on some wife-goggles!). And of course, when you don't feel great about yourself, it's hard to listen to compliments.

I'm looking forward to making my 30's great - I feel like I'm off to a great start!

What were the changes you went through during your transition from your 20's to your 30's? Were you looking forward to it? Dreading it? Anything worthwhile you learned/gained while in your 30's? Let's hear it!

Love you all!